Saturday, March 2, 2013

SAHM theory of Time relativity

Ok so this really isnt that science-y or even that "heavy" of a thought... I just had a moment while loading the dishwasher... when your a stay at home mom you seem to have 2 kinds of weeks. One is the kind where everything needs to get done at the same time as everything else, your older kid(s)are just not being helpful at all (cause ya know when mom says we're leaving in 5 minutes get your shoes and jacket it really means "keep watching horseland...we wont leave for another 30 minutes. Of course you can start a new episode"),your husband is acting like the older kid(s), oh honey I need you to change the battery in the smoke detector over the stairs I can't reach totally means "ignore that beeping sound at 3 am, its ok to start a new Dungeon in your game. Smoke detectors are completely over rated anyway" :/ Mom is not amused. So of course in this kind of a week you are 3 days behind in laundry, a day behind in dishes, and lets just not cover when the last time you vacuumed was.
Then there are the other kinds of weeks... these ones are where your older child(ren) are helpful, polite, go to bed on time. Your younger kid(s) nap on time, are cheerful (ie no teething) and your husband changes light bulbs, takes out the trash and replaces batteries as he is asked. You get so caught up in the bliss of this kind of week (here comes my theory here) that it seems the hour of nap time has gone by so quickly that you havent had time to change the load of laundry to the dryer. Why? Because you were enjoying the 5 minutes, well what felt like 5 minutes...I guess it is an hour, that you could check your Facebook with out needing to change diapers or stop fights. So you are also behind in laundry and dishes.
Guess what kind of week we are having in our house? I will give you a hint... the damned smoke detector is about to find a new home in the garbage can. The new ones come with batteries right? I think I should go clean the house while there is a lull in the I think my husband would like to have a clean uniform for work in the morning

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