Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Contest bug has hit me....

Soooo remember that book I told y'all to go out and buy a few months back...well the Author did it again. Katie Salidas recently released "Moonlight" which while not directly following Alyssa and Lysander, it is an Immortalis novel. This one focuses on Fallon and her furry, hunky, boy toy Aiden; the Alpha of the Olde Town Pack in Boston. Not gonna lie, while I like Aiden and do like Fallon as his mate part of me wanted to see her and Nicholas end up together... Anyways Fallon needs to decide to become furry or see Aiden with another woman, well werewolf. My only real negative about this installment is it was too short! I didnt want it to end! You NEED to go read it...I mean it...go buy it, dont borrow it, buy it totally worth it! Oh and speaking of Nicholas.... he needs a mate and Katie Salidas is looking to us, the fan base, for a mate (but really I dont want y'all to enter cause well to qoute "Finding Nemo"...."MINE" ;p )but...if you insist on checking it out (or commenting on the blog post telling Katie I should win..hint hint) heres the URL http://www.katiesalidas.com/2012/10/become-character-contest.html