Thursday, June 27, 2013
Another week down
So I have a new kid to watch...actually I have 4, yes FOUR new kids I am watching now. 3 are part time and one is full time. So yeah me = crazy anyways I have been doing better on the whole working out front, I started walking at least 3 times a week with a friend for at least an hour (which averages us at 2.5-3 miles a morning) ;) I have found THE dress I NEED for Navy Ball this year (depending on my being able to talk the hubby into going that is so I NEED to be able to rock it just in case.... here it is....
I wuvs it! Ok well I guess this has to be a short one... I am trying to figure out dinner (without resorting to the pizza guys again)
Thursday, June 20, 2013
So its been a week
A friend from High School is staying with us this week, he is on this broke road trip going as far as he can for as cheap as possible. So far I'd say he's been pretty successful. Check out his blog for some interesting stories about Memphis, St Louis, and the Hampton Roads areas on the cheap. We just went Mermaid Hunting with him, Norfolk has a minor obsession with Mermaids and they are all over the city so we went out hunting through the Downtown area for Mermaid Statues. Apparently Mermaid Hunting it exhausting work We did pretty well we found about 7 statues before the weather took a turn for the worse (and I had to go to work)
The munchkin had her dance recital last night and she did great! I wish that Dad could of seen her but YAY Navy :/ He's been out to sea.
and its Summer.... I have no idea what I am going to do with these kids but it really feels like this I found that image on Ramiro Garcia's blog, check him out he has some good stuff.
Ok so I am going to wrap this up I guess...the kids are requesting being fed AGAIN! Geessshhhh demanding little twits lol ;) Oh and I need to go do the holy f*ck my husband is coming home cleaning today...thank God I have help this time ;)
Monday, June 17, 2013
Dance Mom aint got nothing on me
So its been a while...I dont even know how to catch y'all up so really I think I will just leave it at I have failed epically at being a modern June Cleaver (oh well), my diet has crashed and burned like the Hindenburg, and I am now ONE.OF.THEM....a DANCE MOM! So apparently the transition is a slow one and sneaky... today I was at my daughter's Irish Dance class (which is dress rehearsal for her recital this week) and the teacher calls me a Dance Mom.... when freaken TEACHER! Oh she is also the damned Studio owner...all this over my saying I would make bows for the girls to wear this week in the recital and I would stay on hand through the 1st mini run through in case of bow repairs. yeaahhhh so next thing you know I'll be all like
so I am apologizing in advance.
Oh and I have returned to the world of babysitting for money....and um....
seriously I would like to know...the last mom I was babysitting for is freaken CERTIFIABLE! But because I may be entering legal actions against her (like I said CRAZY) I wont go into it any more at this time.
But yeah I think that is it.... I need to try to get at least one room kinda cleaned before bed tonight so I GUESS I should go do that :/
Monday, March 11, 2013
I took the red pill....
So for those of you who haven't watched "The Matrix" in a while, the red pill is in reference to Keanu Reeves's character, Neo, is given a choice to take a red or a blue pill.
The Blue Pill would allow him to return to his life of ignorant "bliss", not knowing the reality of The Matrix or take the red pill, which makes you see reality. Now the background information out of the way let me explain what I mean by I took the red pill...
about a year ago I had a crisis of faith, I had been raised Catholic and with the exception of a short period of time in High School I was more or less a "good Catholic". Then I just had it, my breaking point was Lent.
Lent is the 40 days before Easter where good Catholics sacrifice something in order to become closer to God. Well my issue was I wanted a cheeseburger... and it was Friday. So I started complaining to a friend about it and she said something very simple to me "why does God care about what you eat on Friday?"... I had no answer for her. The concept is pretty odd when you think about it... why would God, with all the war, death and famine in the world, care that I ate a cheeseburger during Lent!? Doesn't he have something better to do? I had realized that Lent had become superficial to me, it was no longer about focusing on my relationship with God but it was more a personal challenge to see if I can survive without something.
Now here I was, during Lent and not practicing it. Of course I couldn't go back to a Catholic Church...but I didn't want to give up on Church. Now would probably be a good time to specify my leaving The Church wasn't 100% over a cheeseburger, it was over a few other things. Such as women's rights, marriage equality, divorce...and the cheeseburger on Friday. So I did what any disillusioned Catholic would of done... I went online. I found out about Unitarian Universalism, which really I don't fully understand (yet) but I am loving the acceptance... Everyone is welcomed regardless of gender, orientation, race, etc everyone. Heck the Minister at the Church I am now a member of is not only a woman BUT A WITCH! Yes a Witch! How freaken cool is that!?
So you could say my red pill moment was when I found UU-ism (Unitarian Universalism...UU is much easier to type)...I have found that religion can be about community, not about exclusion, and the God you pray to doesn't need to have the same name as the God the person behind you in Church is praying to in order for your prayers (or theirs) to be heard. That coexisting can be possible
Saturday, March 2, 2013
SAHM theory of Time relativity
Ok so this really isnt that science-y or even that "heavy" of a thought... I just had a moment while loading the dishwasher... when your a stay at home mom you seem to have 2 kinds of weeks. One is the kind where everything needs to get done at the same time as everything else, your older kid(s)are just not being helpful at all (cause ya know when mom says we're leaving in 5 minutes get your shoes and jacket it really means "keep watching horseland...we wont leave for another 30 minutes. Of course you can start a new episode"),your husband is acting like the older kid(s), oh honey I need you to change the battery in the smoke detector over the stairs I can't reach totally means "ignore that beeping sound at 3 am, its ok to start a new Dungeon in your game. Smoke detectors are completely over rated anyway" :/ Mom is not amused. So of course in this kind of a week you are 3 days behind in laundry, a day behind in dishes, and lets just not cover when the last time you vacuumed was.
Then there are the other kinds of weeks... these ones are where your older child(ren) are helpful, polite, go to bed on time. Your younger kid(s) nap on time, are cheerful (ie no teething) and your husband changes light bulbs, takes out the trash and replaces batteries as he is asked. You get so caught up in the bliss of this kind of week (here comes my theory here) that it seems the hour of nap time has gone by so quickly that you havent had time to change the load of laundry to the dryer. Why? Because you were enjoying the 5 minutes, well what felt like 5 minutes...I guess it is an hour, that you could check your Facebook with out needing to change diapers or stop fights. So you are also behind in laundry and dishes.
Guess what kind of week we are having in our house? I will give you a hint... the damned smoke detector is about to find a new home in the garbage can. The new ones come with batteries right?
I think I should go clean the house while there is a lull in the I think my husband would like to have a clean uniform for work in the morning
Thursday, February 28, 2013
Deployment is looming
Like the tall shadowy figure that hung out in your childhood closet Deployment is looming... its the stuff of nightmares...and well I cant go on for fear of the trauma.
Actually deployment isnt that bad, it really isnt for the one at home at least. yeah it gets lonely, at night especially, and 6 months plus being the only parent at home is completely draining but you find friends, you pick up new hobbies, and you get yourself busy...I swear the busier you are the faster the deployment goes by.
Last night we had a predeployment brief. For you non military people thats a meeting with the command for married Sailors, and what ever wives decide to show up. It was entirely way too long and it was boring,yup wicked boring. I am glad I went though, you know playing the whole "supportive good little wife" is a good thing. But more importantly it has made one thing very clear, deployment IS coming, well maybe. If you didnt already know....
Thanks Oprah, sit back down.
So what does this mean? Well it can mean everything or nothing, it means he MIGHT deploy as scheduled, it MIGHT be delayed, it MIGHT be cancelled all together (doing what I like to call "pulling a Truman ;) ) or they even MIGHT go out on time but come back late. Its fun... yeah hurry up & wait has taken a whole new meaning.
Tuesday, February 26, 2013
June Cleaver can kiss my....
Yes I said it! June Cleaver kiss my neon white, fat rear end. I hate you and the false ideals you make me want to live up to! I try to keep my house as clean as you do but you know what I have a real family and you didnt have facebook. Or pinterest. In other words you had no freaken life ;) Another reason I hate you oh unattainable one... I went ahead and I made what sounded like a great dinner... Cheesy Buffalo Chicken Pasta... sounds great right? I mean one reviewer said it "tasted exactly like chicken wings"... she lied. I love chicken wings and who doesnt like cheese? And if you dont like pasta then get your Commie butt back to the mother land... this is 'Merica we eat our carbs here and LIKE IT. Well it tasted like none of those amazing things... it tasted awful. Even my husband, who eats EVERYTHING, barely scarfed down one bowl. :/ I cried a little...I'll admit it I cried. I made dinner, rather then call it in like I really wanted to, and it tastes awful. My son had a hot dog and my daughter had ham and for mom... its tagalongs for me with facebook and pinterest while I ignore the mess calling for my attention.
Friday, February 22, 2013
Seriously I need to stop being lame
So I really do need to come in here more often. I dont think there is really anyone who notices but maybe someday someone will wander in here and be amused ;)
Since the last time I have been here I have had a crisis of faith followed by an incomplete conversion. I have officially left the Catholic Church in search of something more accepting and will allow me to grow spiritually. Which is all a pretty way of saying I became sick of being told for 40 days God cared if I ate a cheeseburger on Friday and that a man in a dress with a FABULOUS hat was telling me that my best friend was going to burn in hell because he loved another man. So I have found a home within the local Unitarian Universalist Church and I have found a great group of people to hang with. A lot of them are Vegan and Vegetarian and well we all know its not a Church function without a potluck, so we have been trying a LOT of different foods. I have actually found that being a Vegan or a Vegetarian isnt as scary or hard as I once thought. My husband, however, does not share my new found appreciation for Vegan and Vegetarian cuisine.
I am currently making a post about a weight watchers cookie recipe that my friend at the Vegan Virtuoso ( vegan-ified for me, and lemme tell you they are AMAZING!!!!
Oh new batch is out of the oven SQUEE!!!!
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